Our Story

I have been asked often about my medical mission to Haiti, and about the nonprofit organization we started- we are so proud to introduce World Health Partnerships.

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Last year, my mom had just returned from a two-week long partnered mission to Haiti to provide medical relief to those who didn't have access to medical treatment they so desperately needed. In those two weeks, seventy surgeries were performed. So many lives were saved! While this is truly something to be celebrated, it made me think about how many others are out there - not just in Haiti - that desperately need medical relief... and they need it right now.

In doing further research, I've discovered that the surgery waiting list is nearly 500 people just in Northwest Haiti alone. 

This year, our first mission with our Board of Directors by our side, our partnered team provided one hundred eighty three surgeries in the same two weeks as last year- but so many people were still in need of help. We had to leave knowing there wouldn't be another surgical team returning until later in the year.

We built our nonprofit in hopes we could serve more people in need, in Haiti and beyond.

I am extremely grateful to our Board- Kimrae Larson McDonald, Daniel Richardson, Melissa Richardson, Cyrus Moon, Griselda Clark, Kevin Sijansky, Amy Huber and Chris McDonald -who are absolutely brilliant in their respective fields, and have truly amazing hearts, ready to serve.


Matthew McDonald

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